University of Ferrara

University of Parma

University of Sheffield

European Structural Integrity Society

German Association for
Materials Research
and Testing e V.

French Society for Metallurgy
and Materials

ASTM International
Standards Worldwide

IGF Italian Group of Fracture


      The 5th International Conference on "Crack Paths" (CP 2015)

Ferrara, Italy, 16 - 18 September, 2015 (1 hour by train from Florence and Venice)


List of Sponsors and Exhibitors

University of Ferrara

University of Parma

University of Sheffield

ESIS (European Structural Integrity Society)

German Association for Materials Research and Testing

French Society for Metallurgy and Materials

ASTM International Standards Worldwide

IGF Italian Group of Fracture

RUMUL Resonant Fatigue Testing Machines
